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00001 /*
00002 /--------------------------------------------------------------------
00003 |
00004 |      $Id: plwemfdec.h,v 1.5 2003/08/03 12:03:22 uzadow Exp $
00005 |
00006 |      Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Ulrich von Zadow
00007 |
00008 --------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 */
00011 #ifndef INCL_WEMFDEC_H
00012 #define INCL_WEMFDEC_H
00014 #ifndef INCL_PLPICDEC
00015 #include "plpicdec.h"
00016 #endif
00018 // This only makes sense for Windows
00019 #ifdef _WINDOWS
00021 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
00022 #pragma once
00023 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
00026 //! Decoder for 16-Bit Windows Metafiles (*.wmf) and 16-Bit Adobe 
00027 //! Placeable Metafiles (*,wmf) and 32-Bit Enhanced Windows 
00028 //! Metafiles (*.emf) for Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 
00029 //! >= 3.1.
00030 //!
00031 //! Comments by the author, Mario Westphal:<BR>
00032 //!   <I>It can handle at least the 500 tested images I've got
00033 //!   from various free and commercial clipart sources. If
00034 //!   you find a WMF/EMF file it cannot handle, attach it to
00035 //!   an email and send it to I'll see what I
00036 //!   can do. But, please, test it with another program
00037 //!   before you send itin to see if it is really a valid 
00038 //!   metafile.</I>
00039 class PLWEMFDecoder : public PLPicDecoder  
00040 {
00041 public:
00042   //!
00043         PLWEMFDecoder();
00045   //!
00046         virtual ~PLWEMFDecoder();
00048   //! Fills the PLBmpInfo fields. To do this, the routine reads the complete
00049   //! file.
00050   virtual void Open (PLDataSource * pDataSrc);
00052   //! Fills the bitmap with the image. 
00053   virtual void GetImage (PLBmp & Bmp);
00055   //!
00056   void Close();
00058 #ifdef _DEBUG
00059   virtual void AssertValid() const;
00060 #endif
00062 private:
00063         HENHMETAFILE m_hemf;
00064         HDC m_memdc;
00065         HDC m_dc;
00066         HBITMAP m_bm;
00067         HPALETTE m_holdpal;
00068   HGDIOBJ m_holdbm;
00069         LPENHMETAHEADER m_phdr;
00071 };
00073 #endif // _WINDOWS
00075 #endif // INCL_WEMFDEC_H
00077 /*
00078 /--------------------------------------------------------------------
00079 |
00080 |      $Log: plwemfdec.h,v $
00081 |      Revision 1.5  2003/08/03 12:03:22  uzadow
00082 |      Added unicode support; fixed some header includes.
00083 |
00084 |      Revision 1.4  2002/08/04 20:08:01  uzadow
00085 |      Added PLBmpInfo class, ability to extract metainformation from images without loading the whole image and proper greyscale support.
00086 |
00087 |      Revision 1.3  2002/03/31 13:36:42  uzadow
00088 |      Updated copyright.
00089 |
00090 |      Revision 1.2  2001/10/21 17:12:40  uzadow
00091 |      Added PSD decoder beta, removed BPPWanted from all decoders, added PLFilterPixel.
00092 |
00093 |      Revision 1.1  2001/09/16 19:03:23  uzadow
00094 |      Added global name prefix PL, changed most filenames.
00095 |
00096 |      Revision 1.5  2000/12/18 22:42:53  uzadow
00097 |      Replaced RGBAPIXEL with PLPixel32.
00098 |
00099 |      Revision 1.4  2000/01/16 20:43:18  anonymous
00100 |      Removed MFC dependencies
00101 |
00102 |      Revision 1.3  1999/12/02 17:07:35  Ulrich von Zadow
00103 |      Changes by bdelmee.
00104 |
00105 |
00106 \--------------------------------------------------------------------
00107 */

Generated on Sun Jun 6 13:42:22 2004 for paintlib by doxygen 1.3.2