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00001 /*
00002 /--------------------------------------------------------------------
00003 |
00004 |      $Id: plpictdec.h,v 1.8 2002/08/04 21:20:41 uzadow Exp $
00005 |
00006 |      Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Ulrich von Zadow
00007 |
00008 \--------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 */
00011 #ifndef INCL_PLPICTDEC
00012 #define INCL_PLPICTDEC
00014 #ifndef INCL_PLPICDEC
00015 #include "plpicdec.h"
00016 #endif
00018 #include "qdraw.h"
00020 class PLJPEGDecoder;
00022 //! This class decodes macintosh PICT files with 1,2,4,8,16 and 32
00023 //! bits per pixel as well as PICT/JPEG. If an alpha channel is
00024 //! present in a 32-bit-PICT, it is decoded as well.
00025 //! The PICT format is a general picture file format and can
00026 //! contain a lot of other elements besides bitmaps. These elements
00027 //! are ignored.
00028 class PLPictDecoder : public PLPicDecoder
00029 {
00031 public:
00032   //! Creates a decoder. A JPEG decoder is needed to decode PICT
00033   //! files containing JPEGs.
00034   PLPictDecoder
00035     ( PLJPEGDecoder * pJPEGDecoder
00036     );
00038   //! Destroys a decoder.
00039   virtual ~PLPictDecoder
00040     ();
00042   //!
00043   virtual void Open (PLDataSource * pDataSrc);
00045   //! Fills the bitmap with the image.
00046   virtual void GetImage (PLBmp & Bmp);
00048 private:
00049   // Decodes header and version information.
00050   // Sets m_Version.
00051   // Performs checks to make sure the data is really a pict file.
00052   void readHeader
00053     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc,
00054       int& Version
00055     );
00057   // This is the main decoder loop. The functions reads opcodes,
00058   // skips some of them, and hands the rest to opcode-specific
00059   // functions. It stops decoding after the first opcode containing
00060   // bitmapped data.
00061   void interpretOpcodes
00062     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc,
00063       int& Version
00064     );
00066   // Moves to an even byte position in the file and returns the
00067   // opcode found there.
00068   PLWORD readOpcode
00069     ( int Version,
00070       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00071     );
00073   // Opcode functions
00075   // Skips clipping rectangle or region opcode.
00076   void clip
00077     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00078     );
00080   // Skips pattern definition opcode.
00081   // Untested!!
00082   void pixPat
00083     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00084     );
00086   // Skips polygon/region opcodes.
00087   // Untested!!
00088   void skipPolyOrRegion
00089     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00090     );
00092   // Opcode: Bitmap/pixmap data clipped by a rectangle.
00093   void bitsRect
00094     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00095     );
00097   // Opcode: Bitmap/pixmap data clipped by a region.
00098   void bitsRegion
00099     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00100     );
00102   // DirectBitsRect opcode.
00103   void opcode9a
00104     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00105     );
00107   void DecodeOp9a
00108     ( PLBmp * pBmp,
00109       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00110     );
00112   // Long comment opcode. Skipped.
00113   void longComment
00114     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00115     );
00117   // Header opcode. Contains resolution information.
00118   void headerOp
00119     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00120     );
00122   // JPEG opcode. Invoke the JPEG decoder for this PICT.
00123   void jpegOp
00124     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00125     );
00127   void DecodeJPEG
00128     ( PLBmp * pBmp,
00129       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00130     );
00132   // Bitmap & Pixmap functions.
00134   // Allocates the output bitmap.
00135   void setBmpInfo
00136     ( MacpixMap PixMap
00137     );
00139   // Decode version 1 bitmap: 1 bpp.
00140   void doBitmap
00141     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00142     );
00144   void DecodeBitmap
00145     ( PLBmp * pBmp,
00146       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00147     );
00149   // Decode version 2 pixmap.
00150   void doPixmap
00151     ( PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00152     );
00154   void DecodePixmap
00155     ( PLBmp * pBmp,
00156       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00157     );
00160   // This routine decompresses BitsRects with a packType of 4 (and
00161   // 32 bits per pixel). In this format, each line is separated
00162   // into 8-bit-bitplanes and then compressed via RLE. To decode,
00163   // the routine decompresses each line & then juggles the bytes
00164   // around to get pixel-oriented data.
00165   void unpack32bits
00166     ( MacRect* pBounds,
00167       PLWORD rowBytes,
00168       int NumBitPlanes,    // 3 if RGB, 4 if RGBA
00169       PLBmp * pBmp,
00170       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00171     );
00173   // Decompression routine for 8 bpp. rowBytes is the number of
00174   // bytes each source row would take if it were uncompressed.
00175   // This _isn't_ equal to the number of pixels in the row - apple
00176   // pads the data to a word boundary and then compresses it. Of
00177   // course, we have to decompress the excess data and then throw it
00178   // away.
00179   void unpack8bits
00180     ( MacRect* pBounds,
00181       PLWORD rowBytes,
00182       PLBmp * pBmp,
00183       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00184     );
00186   // Decompression routine for everything but 32 bpp. This routine
00187   // is slower than the two routines above since it has to deal
00188   // with a lot of special cases.
00189   void unpackbits
00190     ( MacRect* pBounds,
00191       PLWORD rowBytes,
00192       int pixelSize,         // Source bits per pixel.
00193       PLBmp * pBmp,
00194       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00195     );
00197   // Skips unneeded packbits.
00198   void skipBits
00199     ( MacRect* pBounds,
00200       PLWORD rowBytes,
00201       int pixelSize,         // Source bits per pixel.
00202       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00203     );
00205   // Expands one RLE unit to 32-bit pixel data.
00206   void expandBuf
00207     ( PLBYTE * pDestBuf,
00208       PLBYTE * pSrcBuf,
00209       int Width,       // Width in bytes for 8 bpp or less.
00210                        // Width in pixels for 16 bpp.
00211       int bpp          // bits per pixel
00212     );
00214   // Expands Width units to 8-bit pixel data.
00215   // Max. 8 bpp source format.
00216   void expandBuf8
00217     ( PLBYTE * pDestBuf,
00218       PLBYTE * pSrcBuf,
00219       int Width,       // Width in bytes.
00220       int bpp          // bits per pixel.
00221     );
00223   void readPixmap
00224     ( MacpixMap * pPixMap,
00225       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00226     );
00228   // Reads a mac colour table into a windows palette.
00229   void readColourTable
00230     ( PLWORD * pNumColors,
00231       PLDataSource * pDataSrc,
00232       PLPixel32 * pPal
00233     );
00235   void readRect
00236     ( MacRect * pr,
00237       PLDataSource * pDataSrc
00238     );
00240   void dumpRect
00241     ( char * psz,
00242       MacRect * pr
00243     );
00245   void tracePixMapHeader
00246     ( int Level,
00247       MacpixMap * pPixMap
00248     );
00251   PLJPEGDecoder * m_pJPEGDecoder; // Used if a pict file contains a JPEG.
00253   enum PICTType {none, op9a, jpeg, pixmap, bitmap};
00254   PICTType m_PictType;
00256   // Pixmap header.
00257   MacpixMap m_PixMap;
00259   // pixmap/bitmap stuff
00260   int m_rowBytes;
00261   MacRect m_Bounds;
00262   bool m_bIsRegion;
00263 };
00265 #endif
00266 /*
00267 /--------------------------------------------------------------------
00268 |
00269 |      $Log: plpictdec.h,v $
00270 |      Revision 1.8  2002/08/04 21:20:41  uzadow
00271 |      no message
00272 |
00273 |      Revision 1.7  2002/08/04 20:08:01  uzadow
00274 |      Added PLBmpInfo class, ability to extract metainformation from images without loading the whole image and proper greyscale support.
00275 |
00276 |      Revision 1.6  2002/03/31 13:36:42  uzadow
00277 |      Updated copyright.
00278 |
00279 |      Revision 1.5  2001/10/21 17:12:40  uzadow
00280 |      Added PSD decoder beta, removed BPPWanted from all decoders, added PLFilterPixel.
00281 |
00282 |      Revision 1.4  2001/10/16 17:12:26  uzadow
00283 |      Added support for resolution information (Luca Piergentili)
00284 |
00285 |      Revision 1.3  2001/10/06 22:03:26  uzadow
00286 |      Added PL prefix to basic data types.
00287 |
00288 |      Revision 1.2  2001/10/03 13:58:21  uzadow
00289 |      Removed references to config.h
00290 |
00291 |      Revision 1.1  2001/09/16 19:03:22  uzadow
00292 |      Added global name prefix PL, changed most filenames.
00293 |
00294 |
00295 \--------------------------------------------------------------------
00296 */

Generated on Sun Jun 6 13:42:22 2004 for paintlib by doxygen 1.3.2