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00001 /*
00002 /--------------------------------------------------------------------
00003 |
00004 |      $Id: plfilterquantize.h,v 1.4 2002/11/18 14:45:24 uzadow Exp $
00005 |
00006 |      Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Ulrich von Zadow
00007 |
00008 \--------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 */
00011 #if !defined(INCL_PLFILTERQUANTIZE)
00014 #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
00015 #pragma once
00016 #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
00018 #include "plfilter.h"
00019 #include "plbitmap.h"
00021 #define PLDTHPAL_MEDIAN          0       // Median Cut
00022 #define PLDTHPAL_POPULARITY      1       // Popularity Sort
00023 #define PLDTHPAL_DEFAULT         2       // Use Default Palette
00024 #define PLDTHPAL_USERDEFINED     3       // Use Palette set by SetUserPalette()
00026 #define PLDTH_NONE      0       // None
00027 #define PLDTH_ORDERED   1       // Ordered Dithering
00028 #define PLDTH_FS        2       // Floyd-Steinberg Dithering
00029 //#define PLDTH_JITTER    3       // Jitter preprocessing
00032 //! Returns an 8 bpp bitmap containing a best-fit representation of the
00033 //! source 32 bpp bitmap.
00034 class PLFilterQuantize : public PLFilter
00035 {
00036 public:
00037   //! DitherPaletteType and DitherType determine the type of quantization:
00038   //!
00039   //! PLDTHPAL_MEDIAN (0): Median cut
00040   //!
00041   //! PLDTHPAL_POPULARITY (1): Popularity sort
00042   //!
00043   //! PLDTHPAL_DEFAULT (2): Use default palette
00044   //!
00045   //! PLDTHPAL_USERDEFINED (3): Use palette defined by SetUserPalette();
00046   //!
00047   //!
00048   //! PLDTH_NONE (0): No dithering
00049   //!
00050   //! PLDTH_ORDERED (1): Ordered dithering
00051   //!
00052   //! PLDTH_FS (2): Floyd-Steinberg dithering
00053   PLFilterQuantize (int DitherPaletteType, int DitherType);
00054   //!
00055   virtual ~PLFilterQuantize();
00057   //!
00058   virtual void Apply(PLBmp * pBmpSource, PLBmp * pBmpDest) const;
00060   //! For PLDTHPAL_USERDEFINED, sets the palette to use.
00061   void SetUserPalette(const PLPixel32* pPal);
00063   static const PLPixel32* GetDefaultPalette ();
00065 private:
00066   // Local structs defining the quantization buffer
00067   typedef struct tagQUBOX
00068   {
00069     PLPixel32 Corner0, Corner1;
00070     PLPixel32 Average;
00071     PLULONG count;
00072   } QUBOX;
00074   typedef struct tagHISTONODE
00075   {
00076     int   index;
00077     PLULONG count;
00078   } HISTONODE;
00080   // Private members
00081   void initLUT();
00082   void deleteLUT();
00084   void genMedianPalette (PLBmp * pBmpSource, PLBmp * pBmpDest) const;
00085   void split (QUBOX * pBox0, QUBOX * pBox1, int ColComp) const;
00086   void squeeze(QUBOX * pBox) const;
00087   void genPopularityPalette (PLBmp * pBmpSource, PLBmp * pBmpDest) const;
00088   void genColorArray(PLBmp * pBmpSource) const;
00089   void genDefaultPalette (PLBmp * pBmpSource) const;
00090   void addColor(PLPixel32 col, PLULONG count) const;
00091   void makeBox(PLPixel32 col, int i, PLULONG c) const;
00092   int getColorTableIndex (PLPixel32 col) const;
00093   int getShiftedColorTableIndex (PLPixel32 col) const;
00095   void ditherDestBmp(PLBmp * pBmpSource, PLBmp * pBmpDest) const;
00096   void jitterPixel (int i, int y, PLPixel32 * pPixel) const;
00097   void ditherPixelOrdered (int x, int y, PLPixel32 * pPixel) const;
00098   void ditherCompOrdered (int x, int y, PLBYTE * pComp) const;
00099   void ditherPixelFS(double * pR, double * pG, double * pB, double * pCurErrors) const;
00100   void ditherCompFS (double * pComp, double Error) const;
00101   PLBYTE getNeighbor (PLPixel32 Color, PLPixel32 * pPal) const;
00102   int colorDist (PLPixel32 c0, PLPixel32 c1) const;
00104   int clip (int c) const;
00106   int m_DitherPaletteType;
00107   int m_DitherType;
00108   PLPixel32* m_pUserPal;
00110   HISTONODE ** m_ppHisto; // Array of 32x32x32 color bins. Allocated
00111                           // sparsely to save memory.
00112   QUBOX * m_pQuBoxes;     // Array of 256 boxes, one for each color.
00113 };
00115 inline int PLFilterQuantize::clip (int c) const
00116 {
00117   if (c > 255)
00118     return 255;
00119   if (c < 0)
00120     return 0;
00121   return c;
00122 }
00124 #endif
00126 /*
00127 /--------------------------------------------------------------------
00128 |
00129 |      $Log: plfilterquantize.h,v $
00130 |      Revision 1.4  2002/11/18 14:45:24  uzadow
00131 |      Added PNG compression support, fixed docs.
00132 |
00133 |      Revision 1.3  2002/02/24 13:00:47  uzadow
00134 |      Documentation update; removed buggy PLFilterRotate.
00135 |
00136 |      Revision 1.2  2001/10/06 22:03:26  uzadow
00137 |      Added PL prefix to basic data types.
00138 |
00139 |      Revision 1.1  2001/09/16 19:03:23  uzadow
00140 |      Added global name prefix PL, changed most filenames.
00141 |
00142 |      Revision 1.4  2001/09/15 20:39:57  uzadow
00143 |      Added Quantization to user-defined palette (Andreas Köpf)
00144 |
00145 |      Revision 1.3  2001/01/15 15:05:31  uzadow
00146 |      Added PLBmp::ApplyFilter() and PLBmp::CreateFilteredCopy()
00147 |
00148 |      Revision 1.2  2000/12/18 22:42:53  uzadow
00149 |      Replaced RGBAPIXEL with PLPixel32.
00150 |
00151 |      Revision 1.1  2000/09/26 12:14:49  Administrator
00152 |      Refactored quantization.
00153 |
00154 |
00155 |
00156 \--------------------------------------------------------------------
00157 */

Generated on Sun Jun 6 13:42:22 2004 for paintlib by doxygen 1.3.2